What is Energy Medicine?
Energy Medicine is the body’s natural and oldest medicine. Pythagoras, Einstein, Nikola Tesla and even Obi Wan Kenobi talked about Energy as being the force that made the world go around. Energy Medicine uses the energies of the body’s wisdom to enhance our health and well-being. Like many ancient healing traditions, energy medicine observes that disturbances in a person’s energy field often precede the onset of illness and that balancing these subtle energies can assist the body in moving towards good health.
Western medicine treats the symptom with medications and surgery, but it often masks the overall illness, and leaves you with a hefty bill for its services. Energy medicine provides an alternative: it corrects and balances the body’s fields of energy, and uses subtle, natural non-invasive treatments as the medicine itself.
“Children who live with Energy Medicine have a far better chance of becoming a whole, happy and strong human being, empowering themselves to take care of their own battles and not get the illnesses of stress that our generations have received.
Children who grow up with Energy Medicine learn to “listen” to their whole body, to their emotions and what is needed in that moment. Children begin to find a new empowerment, in tough times, to heal or find strength within themselves, when an adult isn’t around.
Children learning the tools in Energy Medicine learn how to release stress and emotions, so that there isn’t a build-up of toxins in their body and later on down the road, they may be having a surgery from the emotional stress they stuffed so long ago.”
-Titanya Monique Dahlin
What is Eden Energy Medicine?
Eden Energy Medicine is a lifestyle and a healing practice that was developed by holistic health pioneer Donna Eden. She is a best-selling author, workshop leader, world visionary and outstanding healer, but she is also my mother and I am very lucky. At an early age, Donna had multiple sclerosis (MS) but was misdiagnosed time and time again by doctors and because of this result, her illness worsened. Later as an adult, medical professionals told Donna to get her affairs in order and to prepare to say goodbye to her two children. She was not going to give up that easily so she began to search for ways to heal herself naturally,
Donna began to search everywhere and stumbled across many healing modalities that led her to became a kinesiology practitioner. Through her own private practice that she had for over 30 years, and in her own intuitive explorations, she created what is known today as Eden Energy Medicine (EEM). Now, EEM has a world-wide following, Donna Eden is now a leading holistic healer, author, workshop leader, and an inspiring factor helping people all over the world support themselves to healthier lifestyle. Her book, Energy Medicine has been translated into more than 20 languages. She has written three further books and her Eden Energy Medicine certification program, in two countries, is filled with students from all over the world.
As her daughter, my mother raised me on Energy Medicine and taught me the techniques for learning and social challenges and these helped me through school. The Energy Exercises helped me in so many positive ways from improving my school grades, self-esteem and well-being. I have always felt comfortable with children, as they with me, possibly because I never left that child-like curiosity and awareness when I grew up. In my youth, I worked in daycare and preschool settings with this natural gift of meeting children where they were. After college, wanting to expand in the field of child education and development, I trained to become a Waldorf education teacher. With my professional dance background, I began going to my mother’s early Energy Medicine workshops and observed that her students needed to move more. I created Energy Medicine Dance, a healthy exhilarating movement set to world music and based upon my mother’s work. I then began to blend my mother’s techniques, with the background I had in child development, education and movement and Energy Medicine for Kids was born! I have been teaching Energy Medicine for Kids Playshops for parents, teachers and children ever since.
What is Energy Medicine for Kids?
Energy Medicine for Kids uses your own unique and natural energy to create subtle changes to keep your body and mind more alert for healthier lifestyle. By touching into different energy systems in the body, energy medicine connects to your own body’s wisdom for more joy and vitality. With children, they connect in with their own unique energy field, to bring in more strength, confidence and courage as they grow into young adults. Parents and Teachers can learn Energy Medicine to help support the children but as an extra bonus, this work will also empower and inspire them in their caregiving roles.
Energy Medicine for Kids is a guide for parents, teachers and caregivers. This is an enjoyable alternative approach to achieve a more balanced lifestyle for greater health for you and your family. If you are a teacher, this is also a great book for supporting your students and introducing energy medicine exercises into your classroom.
With developing children, it is important to help them appreciate their own unique energy. When you give them simple energy tools to manage everyday stress,
they will establish a habit for self-care as they grow. I share Fun Energy
to empower kids to use their body’s natural energy to move out everyday stress. Additional benefits include helping kids overcome learning challenges, inspiring confidence, and enhancing communication for a healthier parent and child bond.
Beginning with good Energy Medicine habits, parents and caregivers can give their children so many tools to help their brain adapt for better learning later in school.
Energy Medicine for Kids brings in more conscious movement in fun and creative ways that support the classroom experience. Frequently, it is not the child, but the teacher or the guardian who needs to balance his or her own energies to reach the child. Young children are so sensitive to energy that if a teacher is having a hard time keeping his or her own energies in balance, the children will pick up on the disturbance and therefore become blocked in being able to reach their full learning potential.

Energy Medicine for Kids helps parents and teachers understand their children as we look at their personal elements. Taken from the Chinese Five Element System, a 5,000-year-old health and personality system, we will dive into the elements of Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal. Each of these elements are based on patterns in nature. As a parent or teacher, knowing the child’s elements we can help them in the classroom setting or with homework and their sibling and classmate relationships.
Energy Medicine for Kids also addresses learning challenges, looking at the way how kids think and learn through the Sensory Systems. By understanding the way, your child perceives their world through a visual, tonal, kinesthetic, or digital means, teachers and parents can better guide and empower their kid’s own unique individuality to help them study better and meet their strengths and challenges.
Energy Medicine for Kids speaks to the whole family. By finding more balance in the family’s daily rhythms, everyone can learn to respect each other’s energy. The benefits will last for many years to come and as children grow up will find that they are using some of the techniques in their everyday settings, such as work, performance enhancement and for greater health.
Energy Medicine for Kids emphasizes more conscious and creative movement with Energy Exercises to create better connections in the brain, body and spirit.
Our children are the next generation! Let’s empower them to become their most brilliant selves, standing in their own unique super strength, and ultimately to become more conscious, powerful adults. Teach your children to connect to their own truthful feelings while giving them tools for health and self-growth providing a structure of confidence and liberation. Encourage them towards greater expression and the ability to live out their most passionate dreams with full vitality and good health.